The sixth presential technical training of the project was held in two phases, one in the Osh Technological University (OshTU) from June 1 to 4, 2023, and another phase at the Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) in Bishkek on June 5 and 6, with the main theme “Environment monitoring and risk control training at OshTU”.
The technical training in Osh was divided into 3 main topics:
- “Point cloud classification” with practical exercises in Class3Dp and CloudCompare, by Prof. Luis A. Ruiz and Jesús Torralba, from UPV;
- “Geospatial data modelling and analyses within GIS” with practical exercises in QGIS, by Dr. Jernej Tekavec and Anka Lisec from UL;
- “Hyperspectral remote sensing in geology” with practical exercises in ENVI, by Dr. Jonathan Chan, from VUB.
The technical training in Bishkek was divided into 2 main topics:
- “Remote sensing Change detection for environment” with practical exercises in Fusion, Weka and QGIS, by Prof. Luis A. Ruiz and Jesús Torralba, from UPV;
- “Interoperability in GIS, geospatial databases” with practical exercises in FME, by Dr. Jernej Tekavec and Anka Lisec from UL.
¡Here you can review the complete agenda!
In parallel Huaan Fan from KTH gave lectures at Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) on “Math for geomatics”, “Basic concepts in theory of errors”, “Error propagation”, “Least squares adjustment”, “Least squares adjustment” and “Non-linear observation equations”, “Geodetic gravimetry” and “Geodetic reference systems (GRS)”.
The total number of participants selected were:
- In Osh (20): 9 persons from OshTU, 3 persons from NUACA, 2 persons from ANAU and KSTU and 1 person from YSU. In addition, 2 technicians from the Miniter of Emergency Situations and the Director of LLC “Geocenter”.
- In Bishkek (23): 15 persons from KSTU, 3 persons from NUACA and ANAU, and 1 person from OshTU and YSU.
In both OshTU and KSTU, several meetings were held with teachers to discuss the new programs and courses created within the framework of the GeoTAK project.