DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION The promotion of the goals, activities and results of the project will be an important part for its sustainability and communication with society. DisContinue Reading→
QUALITY CONTROL AND RISK ASSESSMENT The aim of the quality plan is to systematically collect, analyse, and use data to answer questions about the effectiveness of the project. The evaluaContinue Reading→
DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH CAPACITIES Capacities for research and innovation will be developed in the two partner countries through the acquisition of equipment, training of teachers, traiContinue Reading→
DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH NETWORKS Development of research and innovation networks in geoinformation technologies in the two partner countries involved, as a way to foster the progressiContinue Reading→
SOCIAL NEEDS Identification of regional and local research & development needs where Geoinformation Technologies (GIT) can play and important role will be doneContinue Reading→