Year1_v1 eng

  • Survey for universities:
  • Survey for  industry:

An analysis for identification of research and development needs and opportunities at local and regional levels will be made by (1) compiling previous analysis, documents and reports in these fields, (2) elaborating a survey questionnaire and distribute among relevant stakeholders in both countries, (3) Analysis of information and survey, focusing development needs, priorities and opportunities (4) Integrate the results in a written report.

  • List of proposed members of the Advisory Board (Armenia) (.doc)
  • List of proposed members of the Advisory Board (Kyrgyzstan)(.doc)
  • Questionnaire students: English, Kyrgyz, Armenian. (.pdf)
  • Questionnaire stakeholders: English, Kyrgyz, Armenian. (.pdf)

Տեղեկատվության տարածման երկու միջոցառում` մեկական յուրաքանչյուր գործընկեր երկրի համար, կկազմակերպվի աշխարհատեղեկատվական տեխնոլոգիաների (GIT) ոլորտում՝ տեղական և ազգային հետազոտությունների և զարգացման կարիքների վերլուծության և հարցման արդյունքների տարածման նպատակով: Միջոցառմանը կհրավիրվեն ուսուցիչներ, ղեկավարներ, ասպիրանտներ և տեղական շահագրգիռ անձինք:

Two National Research Nodes (NRN) will be created by country. NRN are non-physical research centres to promote the collaboration between partner universities in research and development in Geoinformation technologies (GIT). Once created, a part time person will be hired to promote the exchange of ideas, activities, joint thesis at post-graduate level, etc., providing sustainability to the NRN.

Each partner country will select between 10 and 14 suitable candidates from strategic stakeholders in the areas of innovation applications in GIT. The board will be composed of representatives with management tasks from government bodies, agencies, GIT industry and higher education partner institutions. The Board will have annual meetings and will advise the NRN-GIT in each partner country during and after the project.

Research in new geoinformation technologies (GIT) requires the acquisition of modern equipment for practices and projects, such as processing and mapping hardware (PCs, servers, etc.) and software to analyse images and other geospatial data, including specialised photogrammetric, GIS and 3D visualisation software.

Create/update research and innovation labs in GIT: (1) The rooms for GIT laboratories will be prepared in advance; (2) Installation and testing of equipment; (3) Short training of software by EU staff and students; (4) Opening ceremonies will be programmed.

In order to implement a successful curricula reform at postgraduate level in the use of modern GIT, applied training should be accomplished by teaching staff that will be in charge of developing course contents and teaching materials. Therefore, training of teaching staff from partner country universities will be carried out through intensive courses by European partners. 

In order to implement a successful curricula reform at postgraduate level in the use of modern GIT, applied training should be accomplished by teaching staff that will be in charge of developing course contents and teaching materials. Therefore, training of teaching staff from partner country universities will be carried out through intensive courses by European partners. 

The quality plan will be created at the beginning of the project by VUB, who has a large experience in definition and performance of such tasks. During the project, all partners will participate in quality control activities and surveys organised by VUB.

The coordinator will visit partner countries once per year. During the visits, the following activities will be carried out:

  • Receive feedback and reports from partners about the development of project activities and potential problems
  • Meet students and social stakeholders to collect opinions about project implementation and dissemination
  • Analyse the relationship between partners and identify communication lacks
  • Discuss and propose solutions to improve the efficiency of the project.

The first kick-off meeting will be in Bishkek co-organised by KSUCTA and KSMU.

  • The partners will be introduced
  • The project proposal will be revised
  • A project management group will be formed
  • A quality committee will be formed
  • Quality plan draft will be discussed
  • A work plan will be done for the first year.
  • About GeoTAK (.pdf)
  • GeoTAK description (.pdf)
  • Financial information (.pdf)
  • Project Management (I) (.pdf)

The project coordinator will make sure that all the activities of the project are well organised, that the funds are transferred as needed to complete all the programmed outcomes, all the requirements and doubts of partners are solved during the execution of the project.

There are a total of 5 meetings of the project management committee: 1 in the first year, 2 in the second year and 2 in the third year. In order to be cost-effective, they are programmed together with other activities of the project (intensive courses and workshops, quality control).

  • Partner contacts (.pdf)

One-on-one videoconference meetings will be organised among partners as a complement to the annual meetings, in order to address specific aspects or management problems of the project that may require fast communication.

Three project websites will be created: a principal one by NUACA in Armenia, a second one for Kyrgyzstan by KSUCTA, and a third one for management documentation by UPV. They will be connected to social networks (Facebook, Twiter,…).


  • Digital and printed promotion booklets and brochures of the project will be published during the first year in partner countries.
  • NRN-GIT will be promoted in events, booklets, brochures and reports by PCs.
  • GIT labs will be promoted by means of opening ceremonies, booklets, brochures and reports at the end of the first year, by all partners involved.
  • Workshops will be advertised by mailing, in digital form and short descriptive digital brochures to target stakeholders.
  • Electronic technical booklets will be published through internet and distributed.